While Reddit has long been known for its reliable forum-blazon setup, information technology underwent a facelift aimed at increasing the platform'due south interactivity in December 2021.

Reddit has introduced a new range of features which include animations, real-time indicators, and comment notifications.

Only, how exactly will it work?

Reddit Is Becoming More than Interactive

In a blog mail on 1 Dec, Reddit appear three new interactive features which will be available on desktop aslope its iOS and Android apps:

  • Voting and comment count animations.
  • Typing and reading indicators.
  • New comment pills.

The company said that these features are aimed at making the platform "look and feel more lively and in the moment".

Hither is how each feature works and why you should be excited most them...

Previously, upvotes on posts on the Reddit feed were static numbers that simply inverse when you refreshed the page or clicked through to the post from your feed. With the update, these votes volition go up or downward in real-fourth dimension with an accompanying animation.

Paradigm Credit: Reddit

While it doesn't actually change the numbers themselves, it does add a sort-of game-like feel. Not simply does this encourage users to press the up and downvote buttons, but it besides plays well into Reddit'due south existing Karma feature.

Comment numbers volition also have a like animation, such as going upward when more Redditors join the chat.

Simply if you find this new Reddit characteristic distracting or unnecessary, don't worry. You tin can also turn off the voting and comment count animations nether user animation settings.

Typing and Reading Indicators

With its update, Reddit likewise introduced interaction indicators for the first fourth dimension on its platform. Typing indicators volition now appear on top of its comment box in the form of bearding avatars.

Image Credit: Reddit

Similarly, a reading indicator also appears when more than than five Redditors are reading a post at a fourth dimension. On the lower left portion, the number of readers who are currently on the post will announced aslope their bearding avatars.

Image Credit: Reddit

In many ways, the introduction of interaction indicators such as typing and reading can encourage users to participate in ongoing discussions. Like to how messaging platforms show if someone is typing or reading your message, this new feature can make commenting on Reddit feel like being part of a grouping chat.

Anyone on Reddit knows that the comment department can often be more than interesting than the post itself. With its update, Reddit volition now display how many new comments a post is receiving when other Redditors are viewing a post'southward comment section.

Image Credit: Reddit

In one case users click the new annotate pill, the annotate section will automatically sort itself to highlight comments equally they are being posted. Through this feature, Redditors can easily stay updated or join in on a quick-fire discussion.

The introduction of this annotate pill feature is also a change from its usual way of ordering comments. Instead of highlighting the posts with the highest number of net votes first, this new annotate pill encourages existent-fourth dimension, chronological sorting.

Reddit Encourages Real-Time Connectedness With Its New Interactive Features

Coming before long after the launch of its updated camera tools, Redditors are probable going to feel more means to not just create content in existent-fourth dimension, but besides to engage with it. By implementing these new interactive features beyond its various channels, Redditors can enjoy a more dynamic social media feel.

If you're not a fan of the changes, you can e'er opt out of the animations to return to a more traditional Reddit format.

Reddit Updates Its Camera With More than Video Creation Tools: Here'south What's New

Reddit has decided to give its users more tools to create their video content. Permit's look at the updated features users can enjoy.

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